Tuesday, October 18

Spread the word

I just realised: The word passion has the letter 't' silent ! The word actually is pass-it-on !
Passion = Pass it on

I dont know if its original or not.. I find it quite liberating though.
Big deal, you'll ask. Well, if you really love something, then you inspire others to believe in it. Its contagious and infectious. Spread your passion around. You might be doing something great to others..

Monday, October 17

Crores of millions

This is one thing that I leaves me confused.. how many zeroes in a crore ? How many millions in one crore ? Just for the record,

10 million = 1 crore

10 lakh = 1 million
3 crore would be written as 3,00,00,000
Number of zeros in a million - 6, a billion - 9, a trillion - 12

Also see this

Tuesday, October 11

Googley !

If we type a word in google search that is spelt wrong, even then there will be hajaar sites with that wrong word. Its so fun to watch common grammaticals on global sites (at least english ones).. :P

try mislaneous