Thursday, November 17

* Expelliarmus

Nov17 05
Harry Potter 4 is releasing tomorrow. The rushes looked quite impressive.
Jul18 05
I have got the Harry Potter 7 Spoiler right here (my interpretation, of course)!

The last horcrux is in Harry's forehead scar.

a. Out of Harry and Voldermort, one HAS to die. I think if Harry lives then Vold guy cant have the last horcrux.
b. In previous books (at least the ones that I read), everytime Vold is nearby, Harry's scar begins to ache (the soul inside wants to "merge" with the MotherShip ?)

This is the ONLY logical conclusion possible of the whole HP series. What say ?

I think Potter mania will go down from this book. Its getting too complicated. Something like the Matrix Trilogy. First was a complete movie by itself so enjoyed by everyone. The second and third were ONLY for matrix cult-ures/hardcore fans and went over the head for most of the general crowd. So I think the people, tired of riding the Potter broom will want to get over the mania ASAP. So I can see the seventh book releasing pretty soon.

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